ThriveAP & AAENP Partnership
ThriveAP and the American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners (AAENP) are proud partner together to support post-graduate transition to practice for APPs.
This partnership represents a major milestone for advanced practice providers (APPs), as ThriveAP is the leading transition to practice education solution for APPs, and the AAENP is the preeminent specialty organization for nurse practitioners in emergency care.
Combining ThriveAP's comprehensive transition to practice education with AAENP's expertise, this strategic partnership will equip APPs with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the delivery of urgent and emergency care.
ThriveAP Curriculums Endorsed by AAENP
AAENP has endorsed the ThriveAP Urgent Care and Emergency Medicine transition to practice curriculums, ensuring relevancy and alignment of educational programming.

Urgent Care
Live, comprehensive curriculum designed to address the unique challenges of providing care in an urgent care setting.

Emergency Medicine
Gain didactic, evidence-based instruction specific to NPs and PAs practicing in an emergency department setting.
How to Take Advantage of the Partnership

Healthcare Employer
I am seeking information to support an APP department or team of APPs as they transition into emergency or urgent care practice.

Advanced Practice Provider
I am seeking information to support myself as I transition into emergency medicine or urgent care practice.
Strategies to Leverage APPs in Emergency Medicine (on-demand webinar)
Optimize integrated healthcare delivery in emergency medicine by better leveraging your advanced practice providers (APPs) workforce. As the complexity of emergency care delivery is increasing, this webinar will explore strategies to maximize efficiencies in the ER to promote system sustainability. Watch Now.