ThriveAP Urgent Care Curriculum

The only live, comprehensive curriculum designed to address the unique challenges of providing care in an urgent care setting.

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Live & Comprehensive Urgent Care Educational Programming

The only live, comprehensive curriculum designed to address the unique challenges of providing care in an urgent care setting delivered in 10 core course blocks.

1.  Gynecology & Genitourinary
2.  Internal Medicine
3.  Occupational Medicine
4.  Gastrointestinal
5.  Neurology

6.  Pulmonary
7.  Orthopedics
8.  ENT
9.  Procedures
10.  Dermatology

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Endorsed By & Partner of AAENP


ThriveAP Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care transition to practice curriculums are endorsed by The American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners (AAENP). Participants in these ThriveAP curriculums gain access to AAENP’s membership benefits including resources, tools, and support for professional growth.

Growing Urgent Care Industry

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Urgent Care Patient Volume has Grown 60% Since 2019*

Patient volume per clinic, per day is rapidly growing, poised to increase by 23.4% (*source: Urgent Care Association)

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ER Visits Decrease 17.2% When Urgent Care Center Nearby

More patients continue to choose the convenience and quality of Urgent Care (source: Urgent Care Association)

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6.7% Growth Per Year on Avg. between 2018 & 2023*

Demand for urgent care continues to expand as consumer preference shift to flexibility and time-savings (source: IBISWorld)

Professional Development & Clinical Discussions Empowering Top of Licensure Practice in an Urgent Care Setting

Professional Development

Leadership insights to help providers approach and manage career efficiency. Featured topics:

  • Time Management
  • Patient Triage
  • Implicit Bias

Clinical Discussions

Emphasize knowledge application through translating clinical topics. Featured discussions: 

  • Pediatric Abdominal Pain
  • Burn Management
  • Hypertension
urgent care

Download Urgent Care Program Brochure

Read more about our live and online, year-long program that includes details about the curriculum, endorsements, professional development and more.

Rise & Thrive Workshop Series

Providers enrolled in ThriveAP’s Urgent Care curriculum gain access to dynamic, in-depth provider workshops focused on trending, hot topics NPs and PAs face daily in practice. Rise & Thrive Workshops are a structured benefit for participants but also available for purchase as a series subscription for providers not enrolled in a ThriveAP transition to practice curriculum. 

  • 12-monthly, Saturday morning workshops
  • Approved for CME/CE hours by the accrediting bodies ANCC and AAPA
  • Focused on new & emerging didactic information providers need to know
  • Sample Topics include: Office Urgency & Emergencies, Dizziness, Wellness Exams
  • ThriveAP participants gain access to workshop series as an added value to their curriculum

Get Started Now

Select which best identifies your goals and get started on your urgent care transition to practice journey!


Healthcare Employer

I am seeking information to support a department or team of APPs as they transition into acute care practice.

advanced practice provider

Advanced Practice Provider

I am seeking information to enroll myself in a transition to practice curriculum.

Ready to Thrive?

Learn how ThriveAP programs take the anxiety out of your NPs and PAs initial years of practice and helps you develop more confident, skilled advanced practice providers. Ready to get started now? Contact us today.