Since 2012, ThriveAP has partnered with employers and fellowship programs to support advanced practice providers. To expand upon our goal to cultivate a community of knowledge-sharing, enriched educational experiences, and help advance the growing health care industry, we are excited to launch our 2022 ThriveAP Transition to Practice Employer Workshop Series. We identified three key topics around the concept of transition to practice that are aimed to help employers…
- Conceptualize what a transition to practice (TTP) program could represent for your organization
- Explore how a TTP program can be operationalized
- Quantify the measurable outcomes a transition to practice program can drive
Each workshop will be FREE, 60-minutes in length and feature a live Q&A. Learn more about each workshop below and register!
Part 1: Evolution of Transition to Practice: Developing Confident APPs
Part one of the three-part series will take place Friday, March 25, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (CST). This 60-minute discussion will examine the evolution of transition to practice programs and fellowships for APPs, how (and more importantly, why) they have accelerated into the forefront over the past few years as a best practice, and how your peers have approached structuring programs at their organizations. WATCH NOW!
Part 2: How to Operationalize Your Transition to Practice Program
Part two of the three-part series will take place Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (CST). This 60-minute discussion will walk through how to implement a transition to practice program at your organization. Hear from Elizabeth Helms, APRN, FNP-BC, Director Advanced Practice Leadership Council and Family Nurse Practitioner at Ascension St. Vincent, as she explains how to select the right APP participants, commitments required across the organization, how to internally align stakeholders, and the best way to announce your new TTP program. WATCH NOW!
Part 3: Show Me the Results! Transition to Practice Outcomes You Can Take to the Bank
The final workshop in our series will take place Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (CST). This 60-minute discussion will explore the outcomes organizations can expect and should plan for by implementing a transition to practice program. Hear first-hand from industry experts as they discuss the immediate impacts they, and their APP participants, experienced, and how they are measuring value. This conversation will be results driven and help Employers speak to bottom-line outcomes. WATCH NOW!
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