Burnout is rapidly becoming an epidemic among Nurse Practitioners and Physician Associates. While burnout, and often the resulting APP attrition, is preventable, healthcare employers need to first recognize the issue(s) and identify possible trends in providers most impacted. Many employers are conducting confidential wellness surveys among their NPs and PAs to better understand indicators of job satisfaction and areas for improvement.
The responsibilities of NPs and PAs has significantly expanded in recent years, and consequently, so has the associated level of stress and turnover. This has led many organizations to disseminate wellness-based surveys, specifically to NPs and PAs, to gain valuable insights on job satisfaction, engagement, quality metrics, and turnover. Satisfaction surveys can also be used to understand APP confidence, levels of competency in various categories, perceived access to necessary resources, and can help identify providers most at risk.
Watch the full webinar, How to Operationalize Your Transition to Practice Program
Once collected, data can be leveraged to indicate if there are any identifiable trends. For example, are the least satisfied APPs newer to their career? APP leads should share key findings and indicators with senior leadership to develop a strategy that will target the highest risk providers. APP data will provide a valuable opportunity to structure meaningful programs, specifically for NPs and PAs, helping them feel successful, increasing job satisfaction and retention. Overall, listening to your providers will help you, as their employer, make better decisions, improve organizational health, identify areas where more support is needed, and improve retention rates.
For employers to develop baseline data that will allow for ongoing progress tracking, surveys need to be conducted on a regular basis. Deciding on what cadence makes most sense for your organization could rely on several factors. For instance, how often are you onboarding APPs? How often are you measuring organizational KPIs that would be impacted by this information?
In a rapidly evolving industry like healthcare, capturing data on employee experience at least once a year is critical to understanding and responding to your organizations ever-changing needs. Besides, it’s easier to gain buy-in for new initiatives, like fellowship programs, when you have data to back your suggestions. (greatplacetowork.com)
Once you have operationalized a process for analyzing and reacting appropriately to your PA and NP Job Satisfaction Survey, consider surveying more frequently: bi-annually, or even quarterly. The essential factor is to communicate feedback, while maintaining confidentiality, from the responses. If APPs feel the results are being analyzed to better their job satisfaction, they will be more willing to participate in future surveys and feel gratitude for the opportunity to share their experiences—making an immediate impact on their satisfaction.
In developing your PA and NP Job Satisfaction Survey, you should consider including multiple areas that all impact the provider’s experience, such as:
You will also want to consider the format of questions you ask and how that will impact your ability to analyze responses. One of the most common question formats for wellness surveys is the Likert Scale. According to SurveyMonkey, “Likert scale questions give respondents a range of options—for example, starting at ‘not at all likely’ scaling all the way up to ‘extremely likely’. That’s why they work well to understand specific feedback. For example, survey questions for employees often use a Likert scale to measure their opinions or attitudes on a range of topics.” Below are some example Likert scale questions you could use in your survey:
Please answer each of the following questions by indicating on the scale which level you most accurately identify with: (scale: strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree)
Please answer each of the following questions by indicating on the scale how satisfied you are with the following aspects of your career: (Likert scale: very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied)
The Likert scale format questions will be easy to quantify and analyze but you may feel you need more detailed responses in specific areas. Some open forum question you could consider are:
There may be some overlap or similarities in these questions, but they can be used as a first step to help you develop the most impactful survey for your organization and APPs. Remember to collect key demographic information so you can identify trends. You will want to know how long the provider has been in practice, how long they have been practicing at your organization, gender identity, age, and so on.
Offering a post-graduate education opportunity for your APPs as they transition into clinical practice will help decrease burnout, turnover, and achieve a higher overall job satisfaction.
Watch the full webinar, The Evolution of Transition to Practice: Developing Confident APPs
We have found that providers participating in the ThriveAP program feel more supported by their employers and experience accelerated competency, leading to better patient care, autonomy, and more confident APPs. Learn more about the ThriveAP educational solution.
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