In ThriveTalks episode six, Veronica Hill, DNP, CRNP, Vice President of Programs & Content at ThriveAP explains why developing a PA or NP onboarding program will prove advantageous for providers and the organization.
A quality onboarding program will impact APPs as they acclimate to the organization but more over, the organization will reap the benefits of empowered, efficient, and productive physician assistants and nurse practitioners who are more prepared for autonomous practice at an accelerated rate.
If you missed it, in episode five Veronica explained the difference between differences between transition to practice programs, fellowships, residencies and onboarding.
Why PA & NP Onboarding Programs Will Benefit Your Organization
Read the ThriveTalks Episode 6 Transcription
Today we are going to delve deeper into onboarding programs and why they're so important for your organization to implement.
I have gone through research and have found three major themes that have arisen about onboarding programs. Those three main reasons to develop a PA or NP onboarding program are:
- Decrease in Ramp-Up Time for New Graduates
- Promote Provider Satisfaction
- Increase PA and NP Retention
In review of the research I found multiple studies show the first year after graduation for APPs is the most tumultuous. The first year, we know, causes stress, role confusion, and longer adjustment periods. I remember being a new graduate and having anxiety, feeling isolated, and I was feeling I was "thrown to the wolves." For me, onboarding programs of this nature weren't available, but now we know how important these programs are.
How Covid-19 Interrupted APP New Grad Training
With the current environment our new APPs are facing, these programs become exponentially more important. Consider the clinical situations that our new clinicians have experienced over the last few years- they're varied. They may not have received a lot of the primary care experience or the hospital experience because they were seeing a lot of the sick Covid-19 patients, or there weren't as many wellness visits during that time. Now that times are getting back to typical rates, APPs are experiencing a difficult time adjusting. This is amplifying the need for onboarding programs that will acclimate providers to the organization and carries them through the initial 12-months.
An onboarding program will increase their ramp-up time, empowering clinicians to build their patient panel quicker and contribute to the success of the organization at an accelerated rate. It will also promote satisfaction and overall retention.
PA & NP Onboarding Checklist
As you can see, given the demands of APPs and their collaborative team, an efficient onboarding process is a necessity for optimal performance. Now that you better understand how onboarding programs impact APP success, download our free Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Onboarding Checklist. The checklist contains guidance and step by step suggestions to ensure your onboarding process is as efficient as possible.
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